Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Right to Have More and More and More Children!

I was read this article that I saw in facebook and it made me want to write something. Here's the link:

This article kind of low-balled the Church but its funny nonetheless. On more pressing things, I believe that it is unfair for us (people who support the RH bill) to command or sway other people of what they should do with their families, if they want to fuck because of boredom and have 10 more children then they are more than willing to do so. All we are doing is giving them choices and showing the consequences of what they are doing in the grand scheme of things.

With whatever action that we do we want sustainability. We want to be able to support or do something that could be done and used by the future generations. This is why we dont want more population because more people is equal to more people who will have more children and the cycle will continue on. And soon enough the economy will collapse. Please do not be deluded that we have the resources to support this but at this rate we will break down in the very near future.

In the same way, I believe that Sustainability is what the Church wants. If they give in and give away some of their power to the RH Bill argument, then a big chunk of their influence would go away. Also this would give them a perception, that the Church could be swayed into the other side via the use of rational reasoning. I believe that they want to maintain this vague, ambiguous, and yet ever so powerful kind of reasoning and influence. The one that could just randomly excommunicate people irrationally, vaguely in an ambiguous manner. This is a Sustainability of Power.

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